Practice tests

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The practice test is 50 questions, where each question can be answered with 'True' or 'False'.

Car - Practice test 1
Car - Practice test 2
Car - Practice test 3
Car - Practice test 4

The practice test is split into A and B parts. Each part contains 15 questions. You can make 2 errors in Part A and 5 errors in Part B, 7 errors in total.This arrangement is identical to the multiple choice test at Frumherji.

If you make fewer than 2 errors in part A, you can make more errors in part B.
  • If you make more than 2 errors in Part A, you have failed the test.
  • If you make one error in Part A, you can make 6 errors in part B.
  • If you make no errors in Part A, you can make 7 errors in Part B.

Each question is multiple choice and in each case there can be one, two or three correct options. If a correct option is not marked or an incorrect one is marked, it considered an error.

Motorcycle - Practice test 1
Motorcycle - Practice test 2

Car - Practice test 1
Car - Practice test 2
Car - Practice test 3
Car - Practice test 4
Car - Practice test 5

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